Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day one

From the border to lake moreno county park, 20.6 miles in the bag. There was a killer climb at the end of the day that threw a tough blow, otherwise I felt good and have plenty of time to recover for tomorrow...I think. Enjoy the pic, I'm turning black out here!

-- Post From My iPhone


Spencer's Mom said...

And off he goes again, that Warpzilla...only this time he's a tad farther away from home. As his "Auntie B" recently told him, he's very good at making dreams come true! Of course we all wish his long time hikin' buddy, Bandana Ben, was with him. Everyone's support is appreciated as we journey nobo up the PCT with Warpzilla for the summer of 2009!
Signed, Zoezilla

Unknown said...

You're on your way!

Randy said...

Hey Spence,
We are proud of you! The Cardiac Canes won game 7. 3 to 2 with a minute left in overtime. Post some pictures-I want to see what you see.