Hello all! As most of you know, I am currently almost halfway through my Comprehensive Architecture Project (CAP) project, better known as the 5th year professional architecture degree. My classmate, Joey Rosenburg, and I are starting a student chapter of the Global Architecture Brigade here at the School of Architecture at UNC-Charlotte. This student GAB organization consists of travelling to Panama twice in the next year to design and build a small community project (agri-tourism cabin, park facilities, etc.) We are currently recruiting members and starting the fundraising portion of our trip. You do not have to be a student or in the field of architecture to be a member, if you are simply a handyman or good with design you are more than welcome to become a part of GAB. If you are not interested in going and would like to contribute to our effort, I have attached a flyer that we have posted around school, and let me know if you would like to help!
Spencer Warpzilla McKay